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Automatic Reconnection

Webcaster API includes an automatic reconnection feature, designed to resume broadcasting after unintentional disconnections. This functionality is essential for maintaining a high-quality viewer experience during network instability or changes.

Upon activation, this feature initiates a reconnection attempt under these circumstances:

Network Alteration:

  • On mobile platforms, such as during transitions from Wi-Fi to cellular data
  • When moving across different Wi-Fi networks
  • Short-term disruptions in the broadcaster's internet connection
  • Sudden network-related complications

Read how to be notified of a reconnect below.


Initiating automatic reconnection involves including the reconnect option within the Webcaster configuration object.

  • reconnect: true: This setting activates automatic reconnection with predetermined configurations:
minDelaySec: 2,
maxDelaySec: 15,
maxRetries: 10
  • Custom Configuration:
    • reconnect.minDelaySec: Minimum amount of seconds to wait before attempting a reconnect after connection loss. Minimum value: 1.
    • reconnect.maxDelaySec: Maximum amount of seconds to wait before attempting a reconnect after connection loss. Minimum value: 1.
    • reconnect.maxRetries: Maximum amount of reconnect attempts. Minimum value: 1.
Recommended Configuration

For effective reconnection execution, it is advised to set the total reconnection delay to exceed 1 minute. This strategy accommodates DNS record Time-To-Live (TTL) adjustments.

const webcaster = new window.WebcasterApiV6.Webcaster({
reconnect: {
minDelaySec: 2,
maxDelaySec: 15,
maxRetries: 10
streamName: '<STREAM-NAME-1>'

await webcaster.setup()
await webcaster.startBroadcast()

Notice When a Reconnect Occurs

To monitor the status of the reconnection process, the Webcaster API provides an onReconnectionStateChange callback, which is invoked with a ReconnectionState argument.

webcaster.onReconnectionStateChange = (newState: ReconnectionState) => {

ReconnectionState indicates the current state of the reconnection process. Possible values:

  • idle: The initial state indicating no current activity in the reconnection process.
  • reconnecting: Connection has failed and a reconnection attempt is underway.
  • failed: Reconnection process has reached the retry limit and has stopped attempting to reconnect. To start a new broadcast instance, recover should be called first.