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Player Metrics

How to use

Player metrics are providing additional insights for our cloud support team and our nanoStream Cloud Analytics service. The player metrics can be enabled by adding the metrics object to the player config as shown below.

Before starting

To begin, please sign in using your nanoStream Cloud/Bintu account credentials.
If you don't have metrics account information for your organisation yet, you can sign up or reach out to our dedicated sales team via the contact form or by sending an email to sales(at)

Example player configuration with metrics enabled

var config = {
"source": {
"playback": {
"style": {
"metrics": {
"accountId": "YOUR-METRICS-ACCOUNT-ID", // replace with your metrics account id
"accountKey": "YOUR-METRICS-ACCOUNT-KEY", // replace with your metrics account key
"userId": "viewer1", // value can be changed per viewer
"eventId": "event1", // value can be changed per event
"statsInterval": 10, // statistics interval in seconds
"customField1": "CustomInfo1" // value can be changed
Additional Information

For more information on the metrics configuration object see our API documentation. More detailed information around nanoStream Cloud Analytics can be found in our blog and docs.