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Fullscreen API

The nanoStream H5Live Player Version 4.7 is introducing the new fullscreen API which enables to request and exit the player's fullscreen mode as well as listening to fullscreen changes on the application level.


To start using the fullscreen API feature make sure you're using the minimum required nanoStream H5Live Player version 4.7 !


Due to limitations of browser policies the fullscreen request can be rejected if not being executed in a user interaction context!
A user interaction context can be e.g. a 'click' or 'touch' event within the page.



The method to request the fullscreen mode for the player. This will return a promise that will either be:

  • resolved if the player successfully enters fullscreen mode
  • rejected if the player could not enter the fullscreen mode. The reason can be accessed via the response object inside the catch handler (See code example)

Please make sure to handle the promise as shown in the code sample below to prevent unhandled promise rejection errors.

Code example:

// player instance of NanoPlayer
.then(function (){
console.log('requestFullscreen resolved');
.catch(function (err) {
// error reasons can be 'denied' or 'disabled' (e.g. in audio player mode)
console.log('requestFullscreen rejected: ' + err.reason);


The method to exit the fullscreen mode for the player. This will return a promise that will either be:

  • resolved if the player successfully exits the fullscreen mode
  • rejected if the player could not exit the fullscreen mode. The reason can be accessed via the response object inside the catch handler (See code example).

Code example:

// player instance of NanoPlayer
.then(function (){
console.log('exitFullscreen resolved');
.catch(function (err) {
// error reasons can be 'denied' or 'disabled' (e.g. in audio player mode)
console.log('exitFullscreen rejected: ' + err.reason);



The fullscreen change event to pass in the object at the setup call. This will fire if the player's fullscreen mode has changed. The fullscreen mode will be returned via the event response object inside the event handler (See code example).

The property will either be:

  • true if the player's fullscreen mode is currently entered
  • false if the player's fullscreen mode is currently not entered

Code example:

// player instance of NanoPlayer
var onFullscreenChange = function (event) {
if ( === true) {
console.log('Fullscreen Mode Entered');
} else {
console.log('Fullscreen Mode Exited');
}; = onFullscreenChange;
player.setup(config).then(function (config) {
console.log('setup ok with config: ' + JSON.stringify(config));
}, function (error) {

Implementation example

For this example there will be two additional UI elements to request and exit the fullscreen mode:

  1. button (#buttonFullscreenRequest) that will call the requestFullscreen method
  2. div (#fullscreenOverlay) that will be positioned on top of the video element. The overlay will only be visible when the player entered the fullscreen mode. This is just an example to show the exitFullscreen API functionality by using a custom button. The provided example is for testing purposes and it is not a player element.

To try the exitFullscreen method with a custom button, uncomment these lines in the code example below:

<!-- FULLSCREEN OVERLAY with exitFullscreen button -->
<div id="fullscreenOverlay" style="display: none;position: absolute; top: 25%; margin-left: 50%; margin-right: 50%; z-index: 3">
<button id="buttonFullscreenExit" onclick="exitFullscreenPlayer();" style="cursor: pointer;height: 50px; width: 200px; margin-left: -50%; background-color: #f14e4e; font-size: 12px; color: #fff">Click this custom button to test exitFullscreen API!</button>

As the default z-index of the video layer on iOS devices was set to 1 make sure to set the z-index of the fullscreenOverlay > 1.

Make sure to replace:

  1. script src (LINK_TO_nanoplayer.4.7.1.min.js)
  2. <YOUR CONFIG HERE> with your nanoplayer config

Code Example

<div id="playerDiv" class="player">
<!-- FULLSCREEN OVERLAY with exitFullscreen button -->
<!-- uncomment to enable custom overlay with exitFullscreen button
<div id="fullscreenOverlay" style="display: none;position: absolute; top: 25%; margin-left: 50%; margin-right: 50%; z-index: 3">
<button id="buttonFullscreenExit" onclick="exitFullscreenPlayer();" style="cursor: pointer;height: 50px; width: 200px; margin-left: -50%; background-color: #f14e4e; font-size: 12px; color: #fff">Click this custom button to test exitFullscreen API!</button>
<!-- requestFullscreen BUTTON -->
<button id="buttonFullscreenRequest" onclick="requestFullscreenPlayer();">requestFullscreen</button>
<script src="LINK_TO_nanoplayer.4.7.1.min.js"></script>
var player;
var config = {
// ...
// bind onFullscreenChange event handler
"events": {
"onFullscreenChange": onFullscreenChange

function requestFullscreenPlayer() {
if (player) {
.then(function (){
console.log('requestFullscreen resolved');
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('requestFullscreen rejected: ' + err.reason);

function exitFullscreenPlayer () {
if (player) {
.then(function (){
console.log('exitFullscreen resolved');
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('exitFullscreen rejected: ' + err.reason);

function hideFullscreenOverlay () {
var fullscreenOverlay = document.getElementById("fullscreenOverlay");
if (fullscreenOverlay) {
// hide fullscreen overlay = "none";

function showFullscreenOverlay () {
var fullscreenOverlay = document.getElementById("fullscreenOverlay");
if (fullscreenOverlay) {
// show fullscreen overlay = "block";

function onFullscreenChange (event) {
var isFullscreen =;
if (isFullscreen) {
console.log("Fullscreen mode entered")
} else {
console.log("Fullscreen mode exited")

function initPlayer () {
player = new NanoPlayer('playerDiv');
player.setup(config).then(function (config) {
console.log('setup ok with config: ' + JSON.stringify(config));
}, function (error) {

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {