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nanoMeet Sample Code Snippets

To create your own token helper you can use our way of implementation. Find here working code snippets and use our approach to create new nanoMeet rooms or use the nanoMeet web API to do it on your own.


You can find online samples here.

nanoMeet is part of nanoStream Cloud. You need a nanoStream Cloud/Bintu account with nanoMeet enabled.

before getting started

If you do not have an account or nanoMeet enabled yet, please contact our sales team for a personal demo via contact form or sales(at) To check if your organisation enables nanoMeet, check your organisation overview.

nanoMeet enabled

Github Repository

Find our project on Github here.

nanoMeet Token Creator Source Code

The following code lets you create a secure token with moderator rights with which you can join and invite people in to a nanoMeet room.

<script src=""></script>
<div id="apikey-input">
<p>Insert the API Key from your <a target="blank"
href="">nanoStream Cloud/Bintu
<input type="text" id="apikey" placeholder="Type in API Key" onchange="onAPIKeyChanged()" />

<div id="room-input">
<p>Choose a name for your nanoMeet-room </p>
<input type="text" id="roomname" placeholder="Type in room name" onchange="onRoomNameChanged()" />

<div id="server-input">
<p>Choose a location where you want to host your nanoMeet-room.</p>
<select value="eu" id="server" onchange="onServerChange(this)">
<option value="eu">EU</option>
<option value="us">US</option>

<div id="date-input">
<p>Choose the time frame where the secure token should be valid.</p>
<label for="nbf">Not before date</label>
<input type="datetime-local" id="nbf" name="not-before" value="" min="" max="">
<label for="exp">Expiration date</label>
<input type="datetime-local" id="exp" name="expiration" value="" min="" max="">

<div style="display: none;" class="response-wrapper">
<p>You created a new nanoMeet room:</p>
<p>Part of it is the creation of a nanoStream Cloud live stream incl. ABR Playback.<br />
Click/Copy the link below to see
the stream overview in the nanoStream Cloud, including playout URLs and code snippet, to share with
larger audiences.</p>
<div id="full-stream-overview">nanoStream Live Stream Overview</div>
<p>Click/Copy the link below to open your nanoMeet room.</p>
<div id="initial-invite-link">Open nanoMeet room</div>

<button onClick="cancel()">Cancel</button>
<button onClick="createNanoMeet()">Create</button>


// Validate API Key
const validate = (apikey) => {
nanoMeet.validateAPIKey(apikey).then((success) => {
console.log("Valid nanoStream Cloud API key...")
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("Invalid nanoStream Cloud / bintu API key")

// Create new nanoMeet room
const createNanoMeet = () => {
var streamname, streamData, cloudDashboardLink;

// 1. create nanoStream Cloud live streams (including ABR)
.then((success) => {
let setup = {
exp: exp.value, // Customized expiration value
nbf: nbf.value, // Customized not before value
room: roomname, // Customized room name
moderator: true, // Moderator or participant
server: `nanomeet-${serverInput}`, // Server Location
streamname: // Passthrough streamname
cloudDashboardLink = // Link to access the stream informations via dashboard

// 2. Create nanoMeet room with customized set up
nanoMeet.createNanoMeetRoom(apikey, setup)
.then((success) => {
streamOverview = cloudDashboardLink; = streamOverview

const inviteLink = `${}`;
document.getElementsByClassName("response-wrapper")[0].style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("initial-invite-link").innerHTML = `<a class="link" href=${inviteLink} target="_blank">Open nanoMeet room</a>`;
document.getElementById("full-stream-overview").innerHTML = `<a class="link" href=${streamOverview} target="_blank">Full stream overview</a>`;
}).catch((error) => {

}).catch((error) => {

let nanoMeet = new window.NanoMeet(); // Instance of the nanoMeet web API

let apikeyInput = document.getElementById("apikey");
let roomNameInput = document.getElementById("roomname");
let serverInput = document.getElementById("server").value;
let nbfInput = document.getElementById("nbf");
let expInput = document.getElementById("exp");

// Date set up
let today = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 16); // Todays date
let expDate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 14)).toISOString().slice(0, 16); // Default 2 weeks from today
let maxTime = new Date(new Date().setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() + 1)).toISOString().slice(0, 16); // Token can't be longer valid as a year

nbf.value = today;
nbf.min = today;
nbf.max = maxTime;

exp.value = expDate;
exp.min = today;
exp.max = maxTime

// Helper method to update the nanoMeet player based on changed input value
const onAPIKeyChanged = () => {
apikey = document.getElementById("apikey").value;

// Helper method to update the room name based on changed input value
const onRoomNameChanged = () => {
roomname = roomNameInput.value;

// Helper method to update the server based on changed input value
const onServerChange = (setServer) => {
serverInput = setServer.value;


nanoMeet Sample Source Code

The following code lets you use nanoMeet with a valid secure token. Using this sample in a moderator role lets you invite people, set up security options and start a broadcast incl. recording.

<script src=""></script>
<div id="invite-section">
<p>Insert invite token</p>
<input type="text" id="token" placeholder="Type in token" onchange="onInviteTokenChange()" />

<div style="display: none;" id="moderator-access">
<div id="invite-token-input">
<p>Create Invite Token</p>
<label for="nbf">Not before date</label>
<input type="datetime-local" id="nbf" name="not-before" value="" min="" max="">
<label for="exp">Expiration date</label>
<input type="datetime-local" id="exp" name="expiration" value="" min="" max="">
<input type="checkbox" id="moderator" name="moderator">
<label for="moderator">is Moderator</label>
<button onClick="createInviteToken()">Create Invite Token</button>
<div id="invited">
<div id="invite-link-url"></div>
<hr />
<div id="security-section">
<p>Security Settings</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="lobby" name="lobby" onclick="toggleLobby()">
<label for="lobby">Enable Lobby</label>
<input type="text" id="password" placeholder="Type in password" />
<button onClick="changePassword()">Set password</button>
<hr />
<div id="broadcast-section">
<p>Broadcast Settings</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="vod" name="vod" checked>
<label for="vod">Live Stream Recording</label>
<button onClick="startBroadcast()">Start Stream</button>
<button onClick="stopBroadcast()">Stop Stream</button>
<div id="broadcasted">
<div id="live-playout-url"></div>
<div id="vod-playout-url"></div>
<div id="play-section"></div>

<div id="nanoMeet-wrapper">
<div id="nanoStream-meet"></div>

let nanoMeetIdentifier = "nanoStream-meet" // ID of the nanoMeet div
let nanoMeet = new window.NanoMeet(); // Instance of the nanoMeet web API
var roomUrl = "" // URL to the nanoMeet room creator

let tokenInput = document.getElementById("token");
// Date set up
let today = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 16); // Todays date
let expDate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 14)).toISOString().slice(0, 16); // Default 2 weeks from today
let maxTime = new Date(new Date().setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() + 1)).toISOString().slice(0, 16); // Token can't be longer valid as a year

nbf.value = today;
nbf.min = today;
nbf.max = maxTime;

exp.value = expDate;
exp.min = today;
exp.max = maxTime

// Initializes the nanoMeet player
const init = (token, id) => {

nanoMeet.init({ token, id })
.then((success) => {
if ( {
document.getElementById("moderator-access").style.display = "block";
if (! {
document.getElementById("moderator-access").style.display = "none";
console.log(`Init nanoMeet. Moderator: ${}`);
}).catch((error) => {
document.getElementById("moderator-access").style.display = "none";

// Creates invite token for the nanoMeet room
const createInviteToken = () => {
let moderator = document.getElementById("moderator").checked
let expDate = exp.value;
let nbfDate = nbf.value;
nanoMeet.createInviteToken(token, { moderator, exp: expDate, nbf: nbfDate })
.then((success) => {
var inviteUrl = `${}`;
document.getElementById("invite-link-url").innerHTML = `<a class="link" href=${inviteUrl} target="_blank">${moderator ? "Moderator" : "Participant"} Invite Link</a>`;
console.log("Invite token result",;
}).catch((error) => {

// Starts the broadcast
const startBroadcast = () => {
let isVOD = document.getElementById("vod").checked;
.then((success) => {
document.getElementById("live-playout-url").innerHTML = `<a class="link" href=${} target="_blank">Live Playout URL</a>`;

if (isVOD) {
document.getElementById("vod-playout-url").innerHTML = `<a class="link" href=${} target="_blank">VOD Playout URL</a>`;

} else {
document.getElementById("vod-playout-url").innerHTML = "";
console.log(`Started nanoStream Cloud live stream`,;
}).catch((error) => {

// Stops the broadcast
const stopBroadcast = () => {
.then((success) => {
console.log("Stopped nanoStream Cloud live stream.");
}).catch((error) => {

// Helper method to update the nanoMeet player based on changed input value
const onInviteTokenChange = () => {
token = document.getElementById("token").value;
if (token) {
init(token, nanoMeetIdentifier);

// Helper method to open in new tab
const openInNew = (link) => {, '_target');

// Changes the password of the nanoMeet room
const changePassword = (e) => {
let password = document.getElementById("password").value;
.then((success) => {
document.getElementById("lobby").value =
}).catch((error) => {

// Toggles the lobby of the nanoMeet room
const toggleLobby = (e) => {
let lobbyOn = document.getElementById("lobby").checked
.then((success) => {
document.getElementById("password").value =
}).catch((error) => {
