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nanocosmos DirectShow Filters

nanocosmos RTMP Source Filter


  • DirectShow filter for RTMP Downstreaming / Playback
  • Supported Architectures: Microsoft DirectShow, Windows XP, Vista, 7, Server
  • Supported Formats: H.264 + AAC + MP3

Module Name / Version

Module: Version:

DirectShow Connectivity

The output pins are accepting connections matching the following media types:

  • Major types:
    • MEDIATYPE_Video
  • Subtypes:
    • FourCCs: H264, h264
  • Formats:
  • Major types:
    • AAC: MEDIATYPE_Audio
    • MP3: MEDIATYPE_Audio
    • SPEEX: MEDIATYPE Ogg Stream
  • Subtypes:
    • AAC: MEDIASUBTYPE_AAC, FourCC: 0x000000FF,
    • MP3: MEDIASUBTYPE_MP3, FourCC: 0x00000055
  • Formats:
  • AAC, MP3: FORMAT_WaveFormatEx,

Filter GUIDs

// Filter GUID
// {440E11F2-FB35-4699-809B-157C390E9238}
DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_NANO_RTMP_SOURCE, 0x440e11f2, 0xfb35, 0x4699, 0x80, 0x9b, 0x15, 0x7c, 0x39, 0xe, 0x92, 0x38);

// Property Page GUID
// {7A05E2F3-9258-4952-920A-54F6AE6A0D66}
DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_NANO_RTMP_SOURCE_PROPPAGE, 0x7a05e2f3, 0x9258, 0x4952, 0x92, 0xa, 0x54, 0xf6, 0xae, 0x6a, 0xd, 0x66);

Configuration through COM Interface

The streaming url can be set by using standard DirectShow interface IFileSourceFilter .

URL format

rtmp:%%//%% [ IP:port ]/[ application name]/[ stream name]/

If no port is specified, standard rtmp port 1935 will be used.



Following options can be set by using standard DirectShow interface ICodecAPI. See DirectShow documentation for usage of ICodecAPI interface.

Connect to nanocosmos decoder filters only

Value Type: Integer, Variant::intVal, VT_INT\ Valid values: yes: 1, no: 0 \ GUID:

// {FB5005A0-3231-4171-A218-A3A3431D7790}
DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_nanoSourceConnectToNanoDecodersOnly, 0xfb5005a0, 0x3231, 0x4171, 0xa2, 0x18, 0xa3, 0xa3, 0x43, 0x1d, 0x77, 0x90);

Buffering delay in milliseconds

Under low bandwidth conditions a higher value leads to smoother playback.

Value Type: Integer, Variant::intVal, VT_INT\ Valid values: 0...INT32_MAX\ GUID:

// {3641DC07-82CD-40b0-9293-DCBE25E0C274}
DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_nanoSourceBufferingDelay, 0x3641dc07, 0x82cd, 0x40b0, 0x92, 0x93, 0xdc, 0xbe, 0x25, 0xe0, 0xc2, 0x74);

Buffering mode

Use this GUID to configure the buffering mode\ Value Type: VT_I4 / VARIANT::intVal, get/set \ Valid values: 0 - Fill buffer once on start, 1 - Refill buffer always if empty\ Default value: 1\

// {AB91A1D9-6701-4133-8733-6EB3A20E9583}
DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_nanoSourceBufferingMode, 0xab91a1d9, 0x6701, 0x4133, 0x87, 0x33, 0x6e, 0xb3, 0xa2, 0xe, 0x95, 0x83);

Receive timeout in milliseconds

A stream is stopped if no data is present for this amount of time Overrides registry value ReceiveTimeout Value Type: Integer, Variant::intVal, VT_I4\ Valid values: 1000...INT (1-30 seconds), default: 5000 (5 seconds)\ GUID:

// {767B756C-A55B-4fd9-88F8-159B338207ED}
DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_nanoRTMPReceiveTimeoutMs, 0x767b756c, 0xa55b, 0x4fd9, 0x88, 0xf8, 0x15, 0x9b, 0x33, 0x82, 0x7, 0xed);

Stream format detection timeout in milliseconds

The detection is stopped after this amount of time, even if less than 2 streams found Overrides registry value DetectStreamFormatTimeout Value Type: Integer, Variant::intVal, VT_I4\ Valid values: 1000...INT32_MAX, default: 10000 (10 seconds)\ GUID:

// {7400166F-8140-4b81-8B3E-C97CB7D972DF}
DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_nanoRTMPDetectStreamFormatTimeoutMs, 0x7400166f, 0x8140, 0x4b81, 0x8b, 0x3e, 0xc9, 0x7c, 0xb7, 0xd9, 0x72, 0xdf);

Configuration through DirectShow filter property page

RTMP Source Properties

Configuration Registry Settings



Receive timeout

A stream is stopped if no data is present for this this amount of time\ Value name: DetectStreamFormatTimeout\ Value type: REG_DWORD\ Valid values: 1 second - 30 seconds, default: 5 seconds

Stream format detection mode

Determines if stream format settings are detected from the RTMP network stream or from registry preset values below.\ Value name: DetectStreamFormatMode\ Value type: REG_DWORD\ Valid values: 0: Detect from stream (default), 1: Use registry preset\

Stream format detection timeout

Timeout for format detection in seconds\ Value name: DetectStreamFormatTimeout\ Value type: REG_DWORD\ Valid values: 1 second - 30 seconds, default: 10 seconds

Audio Codec

Sets the audio codec if DetectStreamFormatMode = 1.\ Value name: AudioCodec\ Value type: REG_DWORD\ Valid values: 0: Auto/Default(AAC), 1: AAC, 2: MP3, 3: SPEEX

Audio Channels

Sets the number of audio channels if DetectStreamFormatMode = 1.\ Value name: AudioChannels\ Value type: REG_DWORD\ Valid values: 0: Auto/Default(Stereo), 1: Mono, 2: Stereo

Audio Bitlength

Sets the number of bits per audio sample if DetectStreamFormatMode = 1.\ Value name: AudioBitlength\ Value type: REG_DWORD\ Valid values: 0: Auto/Default(16 Bit), 1: 8 Bit, 2: 16 Bit

Audio Samplerate

Sets the audio samplerate if DetectStreamFormatMode = 1.\ Codecs support different sampling rates and have different default values!!!\ Value name: AudioRate\ Value type: REG_DWORD\

Valid values AAC:
  • 0: Auto/Default(44100),
  • 1: 8000 ,
  • 2: 11025,
  • 3: 12000,
  • 4: 16000,
  • 5: 22050,
  • 6: 24000
  • 7: 32000,
  • 8: 44100,
  • 9: 48000,
  • 10: 64000,
  • 11: 88200,
  • 12: 96000
Valid values MP3:
  • 0: Auto/Default(44100),
  • 1: 5500 ,
  • 2: 11025,
  • 3: 22050,
  • 4: 44100
Valid values SPEEX:
  • 0: Auto/Default(16000),
  • 1: 8000 ,
  • 2: 16000,
  • 3: 32000,
  • 4: 44100 SPEEX internal sampling is usually 16000 (wideband). It differs from flash's Microphone::rate value!

Debug-Log Configuration Registry Settings



File name

Sets the output file name. The folder must already exist.\ Value name: LogToFile\ Value type: REG_SZ / String\ Valid values: a valid output file name to enable file logging or an empty string

Logging level

A higher value increases the amount of logging messages sent, and messages get more detailed. \ Value name: TRACE\ Value type: REG_DWORD\ Valid values:

  • 0 - minimal logging
  • 9 - maximal logging