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Embed nanoPlayer Code - (V2)

We upgraded to V3

With the release of nanoStream Cloud 2022, it is now even easier to create and manage live streams, especially for Adaptive Bitrate and secure streams!

Find the documentation of V3 here.

Embedding a live stream into your own website is really simple. Every nanoStream has its unique code snippet that is updated automatically to your setup - you only have to copy and paste it to the right place.

Finding the nanoPlayer Code Snippet

The nanoStream H5Live Player Code Snippet can be found in the Stream Overview of the stream that you want to embed. You can find the Stream Overview from your stream list. Click on Streams on the left side of the homepage to find a list with all of your created streams.


Clicking on one of the streams here will open up its Stream Overview.


Now scroll down to the Nanostream H5Live Code Snippet (Nanoplayer).


Now click 🔽 and press Copy to copy the code snippet.


Now you can insert the code snippet on your own website.

Inserting the Code Snippet on a Wordpress Website

Create a new post on Wordpress and Click on Text.


Now paste the code snippet.


Having added the code snippet to the text box, click Publish or Update on the right-hand side of the page to publish the post.


Now check out your new post.


Your stream goes around the world in one second!


Hopefully, this tutorial was helpful for you. For further assistance, use our contact form, browse the FAQs or contact us via support(at)